#white america
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guavagyal · 20 days ago
the people mad at Kendrick Lamar's Super Bowl performance
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thashining · 18 days ago
Accurate History - American history
If it doesn't apply anymore, no one should be getting mad........Why u mad, tho?
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globalriseofblackpeople · 1 year ago
Brotha spoke facts.
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odinsblog · 2 years ago
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If you have any doubts that the phenomenon of Donald Trump was a long time a’coming, you have only to read a piece that Gore Vidal wrote for Esquire magazine in July 1961, when the conservative movement was just beginning and even Barry Goldwater was hardly a glint in Republicans’ eyes.
Vidal’s target was Paul Ryan’s idol, and the idol of so many modern conservatives: the trash novelist and crackpot philosopher Ayn Rand, whom Vidal quotes thusly:
“It was the morality of altruism that undercut America and is now destroying her.
“Capitalism and altruism are incompatible; they are philosophical opposites; they cannot co-exist in the same man or in the same society. Today, the conflict has reached its ultimate climax; the choice is clear-cut: either a new morality of rational self-interest, with its consequence of freedom… or the primordial morality of altruism with its consequences of slavery, etc.
“To love money is to know and love the fact that money is the creation of the best power within you, and your passkey to trade your effort for the effort of the best among men.
“The creed of sacrifice is a morality for the immoral…”
In most quarters, in 1961, this stuff would have been regarded as nearly sociopathic nonsense, but, as Vidal noted, Rand was already gaining adherents: “She has a great attraction for simple people who are puzzled by organized society, who object to paying taxes, who hate the ‘welfare state,’ who feel guilt at the thought of the suffering of others but who would like to harden their hearts.”
Because he was writing at a time when there was still such a thing as right-wing guilt, Vidal couldn’t possibly have foreseen what would happen: Ayn Rand became the guiding spirit of the governing party of the United States. Her values are the values of that party. Vidal couldn’t have foreseen it because he still saw Christianity as a kind of ineluctable force in America, particularly among small-town conservatives, and because Rand’s “philosophy” couldn’t have been more anti-Christian. But, then, Vidal couldn’t have thought so many Christians would abandon Jesus’ teachings so quickly for Rand’s. Hearts hardened.
The transformation and corruption of America’s moral values didn’t happen in the shadows. It happened in plain sight. The Republican Party has been the party of selfishness and the party of punishment for decades now, trashing the basic precepts not only of the Judeo-Christian tradition, but also of humanity generally.
Vidal again: “That it is right to help someone less fortunate is an idea that has figured in most systems of conduct since the beginning of the race.” It is, one could argue, what makes us human. The opposing idea, Rand’s idea, that the less fortunate should be left to suffer, is what endangers our humanity now. I have previously written in this space how conservatism dismantled the concept of truth so it could fill the void with untruth. I called it an epistemological revolution. But conservatism also has dismantled traditional morality so it could fill that void. I call that a moral revolution.
To identify what’s wrong with conservatism and Republicanism — and now with so much of America as we are about to enter the Trump era — you don’t need high-blown theories or deep sociological analysis or surveys. The answer is as simple as it is sad: There is no kindness in them.
(continue reading)
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doritajewelries · 1 month ago
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Love is real 💍💕
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arinzechukwuture · 2 years ago
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guavagyal · 20 days ago
you just know the pinkest, whitest person in America is gonna lose it over Kendrick's performance.
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helloparkerrose · 1 year ago
Kids Dancing on Alan Freed's The Big Beat (1959)
This clip of teenagers dancing on Alan Freed's The Big Beat is a groundbreaking moment. The reason? Although Rock N Roll caused division socially and musically, the racial aspect is where it truly lives, since black and white kids couldn't dance together. I have come across this video several times, and trust me, it was a beautiful sight to see.
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confused-v2 · 2 years ago
Get money and :3 all day
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arinzechukwuture · 2 years ago
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neshatriumphs · 1 year ago
The white side of tumblr got to me because I had never heard this in my Black ass life
i love those "americans only know burger" posts cus its true we literally have a word for when something is insignificant or something without value and yeah. its "nothingburger". because whats more worthless than nothing burger....
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funkyfreshray · 30 days ago
Defending Selena Gomez
Message to Miss Gomez:
Hi Miss Gomez. I wanted to respond to the back lash you are getting for sharing your sorrow and hurt for the Mexican culture and immigrants getting caught up in this mess regarding deportation. People who are out there telling her........
"Why doesn't she do something with her money instead of crying about it?" , "she should get deported", and mostly backlash from right wing. What problems do you have with her sharing her hurt on social media and sorrow for her people who came here to make a living for the well-being of their family? This is the government doing this. Not money. Why don't you question the current president and not make it worse on her for feeling compassion for her people. It's like a lot of you don't understand. You are here because of your parents, grandparents, and even ancestors who came from another country to provide a better way of life for you.
Understand that everyone in this country came from immigrants or just trespassers who decided to take this land from Native Americans who are the true citizens of this land and country. If any of you were paying attention to your history class in 7th grade, you would've known that Mexicans had a lot to do with helping the U.S. in gaining freedom, which is what the Constitution explains what our rights are in this country as well as protective of those who are looking for a better way of living. Not all immigrants are criminals, and because they are here and undocumented, it doesn't make them criminal. They are also paying taxes as they work and earn a living working hard to care for their families. Jumping the gun and making white America think that the problems are the Latinos, African Americans, etc., is an assumption made by this administration or even party for their followers to believe and be misled.
The rage caused in this country for Latin or Afro Americans has a lot to do with the fear brought on by white America. I'm sorry if I offend a lot of white Americans, but a lot of you aren't the problem. Most of you are, though. Have we not understood that we are a diverse country coming together to help make a better living for our families who don't have opportunity where they come from who were made to believe they have or had opportunity here? Immigrants play a big part in our economies growth. But you want to believe immigrants are the problem because of what? Are they different from you? They weren't born here? I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news for you, but a lot of your homes that you live in, produce that you feed your families, farming, construction, and so many more dependencies you have to allow you to live well here, were built or planted and cared for by immigrants.
It's not just immigrants, though. It's the culture they bring from other countries that allow them, us, to work as hard as we do and cared for those we don't know. We have compassion for those we don't know but understand. The fear that this administration and its party puts on its people is where a lot of the reactions and actions from a lot of people come from. No one enjoys acting out of fear, but it's sad to know what turns the good against the bad a lot of you think are good, starts to paint us as the problem in this country.
No one speaks about the hate that is shared in this country by groups such as "Proud Boys," "Oath Keepers," "Boogaloo Bois," "Patriot Front," and so on. Not to get political, but these are far right groups that are led by racism and hate towards those that are not like them, yet they claim the right.....REPUBLICANS! Stop allowing division to take its course. Have you not learned from history that this has been the case since this land was taken over in the early 1700s? With all that, we have become as diverse as we are today. We are in the 21st century acting as if we are in the 18th. There is no time and place for hate here. Money seems to be what controls a lot of people here, especially in the Republican party. It's fortunate for many to become millionaires in this country, but a lot of them want to be responsible with having that power and not use it for their own benefit.
What happened to making money to make a living? A lot of us have the talent and knowledge to earn more than the norm, and I would never take anything away from them for getting where they got, but the intentions that come with getting to a level of wealth a lot of them are, seems disappointing when we find out what is driving them. No one is above any law, and no one has more power than the next person. The responsibility you bring with the power you seem to think you have or want to believe you know you have is what defines the person that you are. There is a right way and a wrong way. We are not stupid and know what the difference is. Dont be selfish with your decisions, especially when it comes to people in politics and us citizens of this country. We should know better..
Miss Gomez, i pray for you and your family as well as your country and its citizens trying to make a better living for themselves in this land of opportunity. I do hurt just as you are hurting as my wife is Puerto Ricsn, I am Dominican, and I have many friends from Colombia, South America, Central America, and we are all suffering as well. Never would we think that the U.S. of A. would ever turn out to be heading where it seems to be heading. You have a lot of our support and all of us together csn help make this country better than it's ever been because one thing I can tell you is, that it's never been great to be great again.
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doritajewelries · 1 month ago
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True love exists 💜❤️
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thejok3rshow · 1 month ago
Unsafe lords n pwer
Life to life is the humanity of urz
That u are about to doa
Qq. Love is wats that of u thats not of safe but some garentee it if u be what u are to my like devil to u soul
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nocturnal-luv3rr · 2 months ago
The fuck is wrong with people
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ashiadw · 9 months ago
The fact of the matter is
The concern toward White Americans (which we'll need to discuss the existence of ), is that they often pick up treasures of Black Culture, and when it is decided within that those objects will transform in value, either she has increased in admonishing or he's seeing a a decline in worship and welcome,
Perhaps it's an example of how perspectives and ideas blend together as history passes. Or is a it need for communication/formal boundaries? Or, is it that White Americans have behaviors to observe with intentionality.
And Black Americans, have an opportunity to observe with intentionality.
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